Don't Get Caught Out: Renew Your P.O. Box on Time

Renew your P.O. box on time to avoid a fine of up to Dh100. Emirates Post reminds residents to take action before the deadline.
Don't Get Caught Out: Renew Your P.O. Box on Time
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Renew Your P.O. Box or Face the Fine

As the deadline for renewing P.O. boxes approaches, Emirates Post is reminding residents to take action to avoid a fine of up to Dh100. The clock is ticking, and those who delay may find themselves facing a penalty.

Renew your P.O. Box on time to avoid the fine

According to an official, the number of people who have not yet renewed their boxes is still unknown, but experience suggests that most people wait until the last minute, causing overcrowding at post office counters.

Interestingly, the low annual fee of Dh200 has contributed to an increase in applications, with employees being urged not to use company addresses. This shift towards personal mailboxes is a convenient and affordable option for many.

Emirates Post has introduced new and improved P.O. Box bundles for individuals, including the ‘My Home’ service, which allows residents of villas to have a personal mailbox installed on their compound wall. The ‘My Building’ service enables residents of apartments to rent boxes in the premises of their building, while ‘My Zone’ delivers post through P.O. Box shelters set up in selected residential and commercial areas.

A convenient mailbox at your doorstep

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget important tasks like renewing our P.O. boxes. But with the deadline looming, it’s essential to take action to avoid the fine. So, don’t wait – renew your P.O. box today and enjoy the convenience of having your mail delivered directly to your doorstep.

P.O. Box shelters in residential and commercial areas

Remember, the deadline is January 31, and the fine for delayed renewal is up to Dh100. Don’t risk it – renew your P.O. box now and enjoy the benefits of convenient mail delivery.