Google Search's Weather Card Gets an Air Quality Boost

Google Search's Weather card now includes air quality information, providing users with a more comprehensive weather experience.
Google Search's Weather Card Gets an Air Quality Boost

Google Search’s Weather Card Gets an Air Quality Update

Google Search is taking a significant step towards providing users with a more comprehensive weather experience. The familiar Weather card displayed on mobile search results now incorporates air quality information, allowing users to see both the temperature and how breathable the air is at a glance.

Air quality information is now available on Google Search’s Weather card.

Earlier, the Weather card focused on core weather data like temperature, precipitation chances, and wind. The inclusion of air quality adds another layer of vital information, especially for users living in areas prone to smog or pollution.

Air Quality at a Glance

The air quality information appears at the bottom of the Weather card. While it doesn’t include the specific Air Quality Index (AQI) number, it uses a color-coded system to indicate good, moderate, or unhealthy air quality. This quick visual cue allows users to make informed decisions about their outdoor activities.

The color-coded system indicates good, moderate, or unhealthy air quality.

Tapping on the Weather card still directs users to a full weather page with a dedicated air quality section, displaying the AQI and other relevant metrics.

Air quality data is already available in Google Maps, the At a Glance widget, and on Assistant-powered devices.

The rollout of air quality information within the Weather card might not be immediate for all users. Google often implements updates in phases, so you might see it appear in your Search results soon, or it could take a little longer.

The updated Weather card with air quality information.

This update is a significant step towards providing users with a more comprehensive weather experience. With air quality information now readily available, users can make more informed decisions about their daily activities.