Rabbit R1 Review: A Promising but Flawed AI Gadget

A review of the Rabbit R1, a handheld AI-powered gadget that promises a lot but fails to deliver due to its inaccurate answers, slow voice search, and poor camera performance.
Rabbit R1 Review: A Promising but Flawed AI Gadget

Rabbit R1 Review: A Promising but Flawed AI Gadget

The Rabbit R1 is a handheld AI-powered gadget that promises a lot but fails to deliver. With a 2.8-inch touchscreen, a rotating camera, and a push-to-talk button for making AI commands, it sounds like a futuristic device. However, the screen isn’t super bright, and the interface is clunky.

The Rabbit R1’s design is sleek, but its performance is lacking.

The R1 has a lot of flaws, including inaccurate answers, slow voice search, and poor camera performance. It also lacks basic features like volume control, alarms, timers, and reminders. The battery life is also poor, and it needs to be charged at least once a day.

The Rabbit R1’s AI capabilities are limited and often inaccurate.

The device has some cool ideas, but they are not executed well. It’s not worth buying, especially at a price of $199. The Rabbit R1 needs significant improvements before it can be considered a viable option.

The Rabbit R1’s potential is wasted due to its poor performance.

The Verdict Avoid this AI gadget until it improves significantly. With its inaccurate answers, slow voice search, and poor camera performance, it’s not worth the investment.


  • Cool ideas behind the device


  • Inaccurate answers
  • Slow voice search
  • Poor camera performance
  • Lack of basic features
  • Poor battery life