Revitalizing Education: 100-Year-Old Quran School Renovated in Oman

A 100-year-old Quran teaching school in Oman has been renovated, thanks to the efforts of a local charity. The school now boasts modern facilities, providing a conducive learning environment for students.
Revitalizing Education: 100-Year-Old Quran School Renovated in Oman

Revitalizing Education: 100-Year-Old Quran School Renovated in Oman

In a remarkable initiative, a 100-year-old Quran teaching school in Oman has been renovated, thanks to the efforts of a local charity. The school, located in Khaboura, Batinah province, has been restored to its former glory, providing a modern and conducive learning environment for students.

The renovated Quran school in Khaboura, Oman

The school, which was previously limited to a single room, now boasts a range of facilities, including a dedicated room for teaching the Holy Quran, separate rooms for studying other subjects, a library equipped with books and computers connected to the internet, an office for school administration, a kitchen, store area, and a toilet.

“We are very proud of re-opening the school that will help in teaching students in the Khaboura area,” said Maryam Al Zadjali, head of Dar Al Atta, the charity behind the renovation.

The school’s purpose extends beyond teaching, aiming to provide the local community with various services, including internet and computer courses during the summer vacation. The school will also cater to women in Khaboura, offering education and empowerment opportunities.

Students at the renovated Quran school in Khaboura, Oman

The benefits of the school are multifaceted, not only providing education to children and women but also creating employment opportunities for local people and enabling children to utilize their summer holidays productively.

The renovation of the Quran school is a testament to the importance of education and community development in Oman. As the country continues to grow and evolve, initiatives like these will play a vital role in shaping the future of its citizens.

The renovated interior of the Quran school in Khaboura, Oman

In conclusion, the renovation of the 100-year-old Quran school in Oman is a remarkable achievement, demonstrating the power of community-driven initiatives in promoting education and development.