The Ultimate Commuter Backpack: Mous Extreme Review

Stay safe on the go with the Mous Extreme Commuter Backpack, designed to keep your tech secure and organized. From tube crime to everyday commuting, this backpack is a must-have for anyone who wants to protect their valuables.
The Ultimate Commuter Backpack: Mous Extreme Review
Photo by Steven Van on Unsplash

The Evolution of Tech Security: From Tatty Sports Bags to Fort Knox-Grade Backpacks

In today’s digital age, we’re constantly on the move, and our tech gadgets are our most prized possessions. But have you ever stopped to think about how you’re protecting them? For many of us, our daily commute involves carrying thousands of pounds worth of tech, from laptops and tablets to smartphones and cameras. But where do we stash this treasure trove of valuables? For most, it’s in a tatty sports bag or backpack that’s barely an upgrade from what we used at school.

But times are changing, and our tech security needs are evolving. That’s where the Mous Extreme Commuter Backpack comes in – a beefed-up backpack on steroids with two easy-access compartments outside, but with the real storage gold hidden safely behind YKK zips and a tamper-proof Fidlock mechanism.

The Rise of Tube Crime

The statistics are alarming: in 2013, TfL data showed a shocking rise in tube crime, with thefts, pickpocketing, and robberies making up most of the offences. As a society, we’ve never carried around more tech, so protecting it is key. That’s where the Mous Extreme Commuter Backpack comes in – a backpack designed to keep your tech safe and secure on the go.

A Backpack Like No Other

With a focus on functionality and security, the Mous Extreme Commuter Backpack is a game-changer. The backpack consists of two compartments: a zipped back pocket for a laptop, tablet, and e-reader, and a larger space loaded with zipped pockets and mesh inserts. There’s more room than you’d expect here, certainly for an average working day. In fact, there’s so much space that you could get away with using this on a short work break or hand baggage-only minibreak.

The Verdict

Is the Mous Extreme Commuter Backpack worth the investment? Absolutely. With its Fidlock mechanism, adjustable straps, and AiroFoam padding, this backpack is a must-have for anyone who wants to protect their tech and stay organized on the go. Yes, it’s pricey, but think about it this way: it’s probably not more than it would cost to replace all your stolen tech.

The Mous Extreme Commuter Backpack: a backpack like no other.

Additional Images

*The Mous Extreme Commuter Backpack with lid.

*The Mous Extreme Commuter Backpack with lid, close-up.